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Jane Faulkner

Jane Faulkner is a seasoned executive coach, guide, and mentor, with a distinguished 35-year career spanning law and human development. Her innovative approach catalyzes individuals to achieve success authentically, drawing from her expertise in organizational systems, communication, neuroscience, and emotional intelligence.

Jane’s coaching philosophy centers on empowering clients to live expansively, lead masterfully, and contribute meaningfully in their professional and personal lives. Through a synergistic process tailored to individual learning styles, she facilitates breakthroughs in leadership development, career transitions, entrepreneurial ventures, and executive excellence.

Her coaching journey is experiential and transformative, encompassing mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and energetic dimensions. Jane provides a safe, supportive environment where clients explore new perspectives, unleash their creativity, and connect with their inner wisdom. She mirrors their brilliance, challenges them to push boundaries, and celebrates their successes, translating inner growth into tangible, practical outcomes.

Jane offers personalized coaching programs that adapt to the unique needs and circumstances of each client, ensuring they achieve sustained growth and fulfillment. Her engagements typically include weekly or biweekly sessions supplemented by ongoing support, empowering clients to implement lasting changes and navigate challenges with clarity and confidence.

Beyond individual coaching, Jane specializes in cultivating conscious cultures within organizations. She collaborates closely with leaders and teams, offering tailored workshops and development programs focused on leadership, team dynamics, emotional intelligence, and culture enhancement. Her facilitation approach is dynamic, engaging, and results-driven, fostering environments where individuals thrive and organizations flourish.

Jane’s career began in law, where she honed her skills in litigation and client advocacy. A desire for deeper integration of intellect and intuition led her to transition into coaching, inspired by a passion for human potential and personal transformation. She has since guided numerous clients through profound professional and personal evolutions, witnessing firsthand the limitless creative vision inherent in each individual.

Whether you’re navigating career challenges, seeking to enhance leadership skills, or aiming to foster a conscious organizational culture, Jane Faulkner offers transformative coaching that empowers you to thrive authentically and achieve lasting success.

Coaching Profile